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July 2, 2023

19th-Century Map Shows That Beaver Dams Can Last Over a Century

美国的海狸是一个强大的生物。一旦公司redibly numerous, they figured heavily in indigenous worldviews in the Americas. When Europeans arrived, they prized the beaver for its pelt, and it was hunted almost to extinction over the following centuries. However, these small mammals have been part of another enduring legacy through their effect on the changing American landscape.


July 1, 2023

Artist Uses String and 78,000 Nails To Create a Realistic Portrait of Actor Cillian Murphy

When we think about rendering a portrait the typical utensils come to mind—paint, pencils, and pens. However, using string and nails, artists are able to mimic the depth achieved by line and color. London-based artist Ben Koracevic has been practicing string art for years, sometimes spending hundreds of hours to achieve his realistic illustrations. One of his newest projects merges string art with sculpture in an innovative way.


June 30, 2023

Mister Rogers’ Neighborhood LEGO Creation Receives 10,000 Votes To Become a Purchasable Lego Set

It's a beautiful day in the neighborhood, and a beautiful day for a LEGO brick neighbor. A superfan named Matt Smith designed a Mister Rogers LEGO set prototype that caught wind on the LEGO Ideas platform, where users can pitch their own creations. After a few months, the Mister Rogers and the Neighborhood of Make-Believe set has finally gotten the 10,000 votes it needs to be reviewed by a board and considered for production.


June 30, 2023

Archeologists Excavate 4,000-Year-Old “Dutch Stonehenge” in the Netherlands

Recently, thousands of people gathered at Stonehenge in England to celebrate the summer solstice, a day when the sun shines perfectly through the ancient stones by design. The ancient monument has long been a source of fascination, but it is not unique in its mystery. Archeologists have uncovered a similar sanctuary in the Netherlands which served as both burial ground and calendar. The ancient site is a fascinating example of Bronze Age culture.

